Finding Fiction in Your Own Backyard
Coming soon!
"Fiction is the dream of the writer, made visible on the page. It may be the writer's lived experience or it may be entirely imagines."-Pat Schneider, Writing Alone and With Others

Let’s begin by talking about fiction. If we’re going to find fiction in our own backyards, we need to recognize it, right? So, what is fiction?
Here’s my favorite definition of fiction: “Fiction is life with the dull bits left out.” An Australian critic, Clive James, said that. It surprised me to hear a critic define fiction that way. Usually, they talk about the dull bits that are left in the fictional books they review. This particular critic also is an author, which probably explains his view of fiction. . .
Finding Fiction in Your Own Backyard will be published soon. If you'd like to be notified when this book by Donny Bailey Seagraves is available to purchase, send a message.