Other Published Writing
Long before I became a published book author, I worked as a freelance newspaper columnist and magazine article writer. My columns were first published in the Athens Observer, a popular alternative weekly newspaper that was founded in 1974 by Chuck Searcy and Pete McCommons. A college student named Don Nelson joined the staff soon after the paper began publishing. My editor at the Athens Observer was Phil Williams. Today Philip Lee Williams is a well-known American novelist, poet, and essayist.

My time as an Athens Observer columnist only lasted about a year. Go here to read a sampling of my Observer columns. After my time at the Observer, I began writing columns for the Athens Daily News. My editor there was Blake Giles. Blake and I first met while riding the Winterville bus to school in nearby Athens, Georgia. I wrote for the Athens Daily News for about seven years. Go here to read several of my Daily News columns.
In addition to writing for the Athens Observer and the Athens Daily News, I was under a freelance contract with the Chicago Tribune for a year. I only got one article accepted and published during that time. To read it, go here.
During my columnist days, and for many years after I began writing newspaper columns, I freelanced magazine articles for many regional and national publications. My writing credits during that time include numerous articles for Athens Magazine, where I freelanced for 20 years. To read several of those articles, go here.
My other magazine article credits include The Writer magazine, Mature Living, Grit, Capper's, Housewife Writer's Magazine, Seek, The Lutheran Magazine (now Living Lutheran), and many more. I also wrote short stories during this time. Several were published in small literary journals including The Roswell (NM) Literary Review. I wrote poetry as well and one of my poems appeared in Summerfield Journal.
A Selection of Donny Seagraves' Other Published Writing
The Mistress of Mayhem: Harriette Austin article from Athens Magazine
Harry Hancock: World's Oldest Bronc Rider article from Athens Magazine
Brenda Mullis article from the Chicago Tribune
How I Got Published article from The Writer magazine
Another Side of Vince Dooley column from the Athens Daily News
Grandfather's Last Gift article from Mature Living